About EMIS

My Story

Emmanuel Okafor, affectionately known as Emis, was born on December 12, 1955, in Nigeria. His birth story, as recounted by his mother, paints a picture of a calm and content baby who entered the world precisely at nine months and showed a disposition of tranquility from the beginning. Growing up, Emis early memories began to form around the age of 3 or 4, as he started to navigate the world around him.
In his childhood, Emis found inspiration and guidance from his Sunday school teacher, who instilled in him a love for storytelling through the tales of the Bible. He also shared his youth with a goat and a dog, which added to the colorful experiences of his upbringing.
Summertime for Emis meant embarking on journeys to visit relatives in the cities and spending time with grandparents in the village. His favorite pastime was playing soccer, a passion that stayed with him throughout his life.
Nicknamed “Emio” by family and friends, a moniker reflecting his demeanor of being not easily provoked, Emis harbored fears of the dark and ghosts as a child. However, his fears did not deter him from engaging in sports and other activities.
As he ventured into grade school and high school, Emis found himself drawn to chemistry as his favorite subject and excelled in athletics. He was particularly influenced by his English teacher, who emphasized the importance of language skills for effective communication.
Despite his academic pursuits, Emis heart longed for music, and he found joy in participating in extracurricular activities such as playing drums and being a vocalist in a school band.
Upon graduating from high school, Emis pursued higher education, attending the University of Colorado for his undergraduate studies in Marketing and Advertising. He furthered his academic journey by obtaining a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) and later a doctorate in Leadership and Management from the University of Phoenix.
In his professional career, Emis first job was at Taco Bell Restaurant, but he found fulfillment in telemarketing. He credits his father, a respected businessman, as the biggest influence on his career, instilling values of honesty, respect, and attention to detail.
Emio is a devoted family man, married for 35 years with four children. His goal as a parent is to foster a nurturing environment where his children learn the importance of education, moral values, and giving back to society.
Throughout his life, Emis faith has been central, guiding his actions and beliefs. He finds happiness in the love of his family, friends, and his unwavering faith in God. Emio’s journey is marked by lessons of perseverance, hard work, and the importance of love and compassion towards others. He hopes to be remembered as a caring individual who lived by the principles of faith, love, and kindness.


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Need a Speaker for Your Upcoming Event?

Look no further than Emmanuel “Emio” Okafor! With a diverse background encompassing education, business, and personal development, Emio brings a wealth of experience and insights to the table. From his upbringing in Nigeria to his academic achievements and professional successes, Emio’s story is one of perseverance, faith, and the power of positivity. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, motivation, or practical wisdom, Emio delivers compelling talks that resonate with audiences of all ages. Book Emio for your event today and prepare to be inspired!

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